Blue memories
Magical shores
of salted water
and temptations oriented
to past seasons
find themselves lazy
while a hidden trap door,
still secret,
is filled with laughs,
their voice misunderstood,
to finally shake us
with infinite sweetness.
of salted water
and temptations oriented
to past seasons
find themselves lazy
while a hidden trap door,
still secret,
is filled with laughs,
their voice misunderstood,
to finally shake us
with infinite sweetness.
Magiche rive
di acque salate
e tentazioni rivolte
a stagioni passate
si ritrovano pigre
a prendere il sole
mentre una botola sommersa,
ancora segreta,
si ricolma di risa
dalla voce incompresa
per stravolgerci infine
con infinita dolcezza.
Poesia scritta il 04/09/2016 - 11:47
Letta n.919 volte.
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