Being poets
Being poets,
with seasoned words
everything feels,
even the most untamed folds
of a worn love
in a troubled breathlessness.
I'm going to swear,
I'm hungry for life;
the eyes are creped
of a broken tide
which sprays the pitcher
of whimsical regret.
with seasoned words
everything feels,
even the most untamed folds
of a worn love
in a troubled breathlessness.
I'm going to swear,
I'm hungry for life;
the eyes are creped
of a broken tide
which sprays the pitcher
of whimsical regret.
Essere poeti,
con parole condite
tutto si sente,
persino le pieghe più indomite
di un amore sciupato
in un torbido affanno.
Me ne vado imprecando,
ho fame di vita;
si increspano gli occhi
di un’affranta marea
che irrora la brocca
di estroso rimpianto.
Poesia scritta il 01/09/2018 - 19:50
Letta n.935 volte.
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